
Front Limb Stitches

Front Limb Stitches (Common)

Species: Plushibe (Plushipet subtype)
  • "stitches anywhere on and around the front limbs. stitches should in some way run along the length of the limb or wrap around it."
  • "stitches don't need to be symmetrical nor do they need to be present on both limbs. stitches may be present anywhere within the marked area. multiple stitches may be present in the same area."
  • "stitches may be any style (e.g. running, overcast, crossed, etc.) of thread. they may be used to separate segments, patterns or colours."

Most information about this trait can be seen in the sheet (aka the text above as well).  The stitches can be present anywhere on the front limbs including paws. You may use any somewhat realistic pattern of stitching. You may put multiple stitches in one area and stitches may separate sections of colours or patterns, slightly mimicking patches.

You will need the multi-stitch trait in order to use multiple stitch traits (aka stitches in multiple different areas) on your Plushibe. Please refer to that trait if you're unsure on how connecting stitches works.

The trait sheet shows several examples for this trait! These are not the only possible variants but give a good image of how this trait should look like. If you're unsure whether your idea fits within this trait, just ask the mods in our Discord server!

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