
Patched/Stitched Tail

Patched/Stitched Tail (Ultra-Rare)

Category: Tails
Species: Plushibe
  • "adds patches to a plushipal's tail or stitches to a plushipet's tail."
  • "the whole tail may be patched or only certain sections of it. the patches may appear in any places and shapes on the tail and there is no limit on how many patches can be present on a tail."
  • "there is no limit on amount of stitches on a plushipet's tail either, nor is there a limit on the directions and shapes these stitches go in, as long as it somewhat makes sense."
  • "the patched/stitched tail is its own thing separate from any patches/stitches traits. you do not need a multi-patch/multi-stitch trait for this trait to be present, nor can you use this trait to replace a patches/stitches trait."

Most information about this trait can be seen in the sheet (aka the text above as well). This trait adds patches or stitches to a Plushibe's tail. A patched tail will add patches to a Plushipal's tail. This can be the entire tail, a section of the tail or multiple sections of the tail. A stitched tail will add stitches to a Plushipet's tail. This can be one or multiple stitches in any direction.

Note that this trait should be used in combination with another trait. Even if the entire tail is made out of a patch, you will still need to attach the (for example) feline tail trait if your patched tail has a feline shape.

The trait sheet shows several examples of this trait! These are not the only possible variants but give a good image of how this trait should look like. If you're unsure whether your idea fits within this trait, ask the mods in our Discord server!

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