
Paw Patch

Paw Patch (Rare)

Species: Plushibe (Plushipal subtype)
  • "adds patches to the hands, making them paws!"
  • "they can be drawn as either normal hands with paw-pads or actual animal-like paws, though this can be more of an artstyle matter than a design matter."
  • "the patches have to show on the whole hand, and may not stop somewhere on the fingers. they may start slightly above or below the wrists."
  • "these patches may connect to lower limb patches but don't have to."

Most information about this trait can be seen in the sheet (aka the text above as well).  The patches can start and anywhere around the wrists (it doesn't end anywhere on the other side, it takes over the whole hand). You may use any number of hands you like (e.g. both arms, only left arm, only right arm, etc.) and the placement of the patches doesn't have to be symmetrical.

Please note that while the text mentions these patches can connect to other patches, you will need the multi-patch trait in order to use multiple patch traits on your Plushibe. Please refer to that trait if you're unsure on how connecting patches works.

The trait sheet shows several examples for this trait! These are not the only possible variants but give a good image of how this trait should look like. If you're unsure wether your idea fits within this trait, just ask the mods in our Discord server!

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