Figure Patch (Epic (shop))
- "this trait allows little circle or square patches, and even little shapes like hearts, stars, etc!"
- "there can be multiple as long as they're part of the same section. like a smaller heart next to a larger heart or circles going up a leg to look like bubbles."
- "these patches can not cover a whole section and this can not create paws or hooves."
- "these can not be placed on the face."
Most information about this trait can be seen in the sheet (aka the text above as well). The patches can be any shape (e.g. circle, square, heart, star, paw print, crescent moon, etc.) but may only be multiple if they fall within the same section/theme (e.g. a smaller heart next to a larger hearts, cicles going up a limb like bubbles, several little stars on the back, etc.).
Please note that this trait does not need an unlimited or multi-patch trait to be combined with one other trait; consider the figure patch as an add-on trait. If you want to add a third trait, you would need unlimited or multi-patch.
The trait sheet shows several examples for this trait! These are not the only possible variants but give a good image of how this trait should look like. If you're unsure wether your idea fits within this trait, just ask the mods in our Discord server!
Unlimited Patches (Epic (shop))
- "this trait allows multiple patches from any, including ultra-rare and epic, rarity to co-exist. except stated otherwise"
- "patches on two different parts that connect may become one patch, but may also stay separated."
- "this trait doesn't change the 'one patch per segment' rule. two seperate patches on one limb is possible - such as upper and lower limb patches that keep the elbow or knee free - but two smaller patches on the upper arm would not be possible."
- "this trait allows multiple face patches (up to two) and multiple figure patches (up to 4)"
- "this trait doesn't change the 'both feet the same' patch rule."
Most information about this trait can be seen in the sheet (aka the text above as well). This trait allows multiple patches from different traits to co-exist (currently these are upper limb patches, lower limb patches, paw patches, feet patches, torso patches, face patches (up to 2) and figure patches (up to 4)). Patches should not cover more than about 80% of your Plushibe.
Patches on different segments are allowed to be connected to eachother, for example; feet patches, lower limb patches and upper limb patches may all be connected to appear like the whole leg is one patch. They don't have to connect, for example; using upper and lower limb patches on the arm, but keeping the elbow free. You can decide this per patch; you may connect some patches and keep others seperated.
The trait sheet shows several examples for this trait! These are not the only possible variants but give a good image of how this trait should look like. If you're unsure wether your idea fits within this trait, just ask the mods in our Discord server!
Aquatic Tail (Epic (shop))
- "any kind of fish-like aquatic tail, such as a shark, whale, fish, dolphin, etc." "not all aquatic animals count, only fish-like ones. squids, seals, octopi, shrimps, jelly fish, turtles, etc. do not count."
- "tail can include part of the fish 'body' but can also be just the tail fin."
- "may include the pelvic, pectoral, dorsal, etc. fins, or only a few of those. it doesn't have to be fully anatomically correct."
This trait gives a Plushibe an aquatic tail close to that of a fish. This tail may include the fish 'body', additional fins, only the tail fin, etc. Some other examples of tails that fit in this category are those of sharks, whales, fish, dolphins, etc.
The trait sheet shows several examples of this trait! These are not the only possible variants but give a good image of how this trait should look like. If you're unsure whether your idea fits within this trait, just ask the mods in our Discord server!
Dragon Tail (Epic (shop))
- "can be any kind of dragon/lizard/dino tail. can be long, short, thick, thin, etc. must be scaled and/or smooth."
- "fur, feathers, fins, spines or spikes may run along the length of the tail and/or be featured on the tip of the tail. the underside of the tail may be plated."
This trait gives a Plushibe a smooth/scaly tail close to that of a dragon, lizard or dino. This tail may be short, thick with spikes, or long thin with fur along the length, or long, thick with a spine as tail tip, etc. etc.
The trait sheet shows several examples for this trait! These are not the only possible variants but give a good image of how this trait should look like. If you're unsure wether your idea fits within this trait, just ask the mods in our Discord server!
Insect Tail (Epic (shop))
- "insect-like tails such as bugs, arachnids and true insects."
- "long bugs with small legs (e.g. caterpillars, centipedes, millipedes, etc.) may have small legs on the tail."
- "stingers may be included (e.g. wasps, scorpions, bees, etc)."
- "the tail may not include wings."
- "some examples of usable bugs are: wasps, bees, ants, termites, spiders, scorpions, butterflies, moths, etc. (most any bug with a clear tail or bottom segment)."
This trait gives a Plushibe an insect-like tail. This tail may based on bugs such as insects and arachnids.
The trait sheet shows several examples for this trait! These are not the only possible variants but give a good image of how this trait should look like. If you're unsure whether your idea fits within this trait, just ask the mods in our Discord server!
Unnatural Skin (Epic (shop))
- "allows a plushipal to have any skin colour. "
- "from #000 black to #fff white, from grey to extremely bright, from pastel pink to cobalt blue, etc. etc. literally any colour that exists can be on their skin!"
- "the skin colour may not be the exact same as the main patch colour."
- "a plushipal can have an additional colour (either an unnatural colour added to natural skin or another unnatural colour added to different unnaturally coloured skin) if it's a simple and/or large section or a gradient."
Most information about this trait can be seen in the sheet (aka the text above as well). With this trait, a Plushipal can have any unnatural skin colour - and by any I mean any. The main skin colour should not be the same as the main patch colour. You may use a colour that is used in the patches (e.g. if the patches have a multi-coloured pattern) but the skin and patches should clearly be different sections.
A second colour may be added as well - this can either be added to natural skin colour or to a second different unnatural skin colour. There cannot be any intricate patterns, markings or symbols. Think in the direction of a gradient along the limbs or a differently coloured patch-like segment.
The trait sheet shows several examples of this trait! These are not the only possible variants but give a good image of how this trait should look like. If you're unsure whether your idea fits this trait, ask the mods in our Discord server!